
After nine (9) weeks of link-up, sync-up, and scale-up, 33 changemakers have teamed up into 11 (eleven) groups and will present their collaboration innovations for the targeted pilot cities in Semarang, Makassar, Bandar Lampung, and beyond!🙌

Let’s join Catalyst Changemakers Lab: Innovation Day to foster a trade of ideas and engage over a day across three activities: Learn, Celebrate, and Collaborate.

Mark your date on 🗓 Monday, February 14th, 2022, and join us in Innovation Day: Ceremony and Panel Discussion at 10.00-11.30 WIB, LIVE on Youtube: Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa ( 

There will be:
🎙 Opening Remarks and Keynote Speech:
👩‍💼 Monica Oudang, Chairwoman of Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa
👩‍💼 Tri Dewi Virgiyanti S.T, MEM, Direktur Perumahan dan Permukiman, BAPPENAS
👩‍💼 Aisha Marzuki, Head of Exploration UNDP Accelerator Lab Indonesia

💭 Panel Discussion:
👨‍💼 Budi Prakoso, Head of BAPPEDA Kota Semarang
👨‍💼 Helmy Budiman, S.STP, MM., Head of BAPPEDA Kota Makassar
👨‍💼 Dr. Khaidarmansyah, S.H., M.Pd., Head of BAPPEDA Kota Bandar Lampung

👩‍💼 Gita Syahrani, from Alliance for Water Stewardship Indonesia.

⚠️ P.s ⚠️ 
Even though our pitching and networking session is only for invitation or guests, those who are interested or closely worked in drinking water access or hydrometeorological disaster resilience are able to join the session by signing-up for an opportunity to help scale these promising solutions and make a difference!

Secure your spots now – we are only four days away from Catalyst Changemaker Lab Innovation Day! Register here: 

#YABB #yayasananakbangsabisa #YABBxCCL #CatalystChangemakersLab #imachangemaker
